Frozen green beans… Dehydrated

I always like a good challenge… And I’ve heard more and more people tell me you cannot dehydrate frozen vegetables. So what’s a girl to do… Go on YouTube, Pinterest and all the rest and look up recipes. So I took on the challenge and I did dehydrate a bag of frozen green beans that I purchased at Trader Joe’s.

The ultimate goal will be to learn how to dehydrate as many vegetables including frozen… So then I can make soup mixes in a jar for Christmas presents this year.

I took the bag directly from the freezer, placed them on the trays, turned the dehydrator on… My dehydrator only has one setting, and then let it run all night. The next morning I got up and they were fantastically dehydrated. All ready for soup mixes, stews, and anything else that I need.

I think this is a fantastic way to preserve food and not to waste it. I find myself many times buying fresh produce and frozen things forgetting I have them and I end up throwing them out.

On to bigger and better ways to preserving food for my family, and to also save money.

Let me know if you’ve ever dehydrated green beans frozen or fresh and how they came out.

Lynn A. C. Wilson-Resume of a Mother

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