Staying Calm In the Midst of Chaos! #let’s get practical

So after reading and hearing the news that most people have their kids home for two weeks….all I hear is complaining and chaos from everyone around me. Now that is not to say that schedules will need to change, and things will need to be tweaked,  but we need to stay calm and be practical about this. Let’s create less stress and less chaos in the midst of this situation that we find ourselves in.

After talking with my sister….she was saying how her state was crazy all week, but this weekend people seem to be calming down a bit.  Staying calm is one of the answers to this craziness!!! No matter if you are single, married with kids, or without kids, and it does not matter your age….we are all in the same boat.  And this boat is not the Titanic, and it is not sinking….it is a boat of change and uncertainty, but being as normal as possible will calm the spirit.

So how can we stay calm and try to be “normal”?  Well here is my two week plan that I am putting into place. Yes, wash your hands.  Take necessary precautions needed for your lifestyle and where you live. But my plan after that is in place, is to make a list of all the things that I always put off and never seem to have the time to do.

Keeping our hands and minds busy will make the time pass, and it will not allow our minds to go places that are not reality and also allow our imagination to go crazy.

Today I had a friend pick up some potatoes for me since I had to work, and I could not get out.  She was kind and would not take the money for it. So I then told her I would share the soup that I was going to make with them, and that I would also make her some bread.  Since she is a single woman….she does not make homemade soup and bread, so this was a real treat.

Clean out  that closet that you have been wanting to clean, email a friend and check up on them, call someone, text someone, write a letter, sort out those recipe cards that are a mess.  Stop and breath, stop and take hold that you are alive today, and there is a purpose. Reach out to others….we are all human beings and should be respecting each other in a unique and special way.  This does not mean that you need to put yourself at risk….there are plenty of ways to help someone without doing this.

For those of us who have hope of eternity with the God of creation….share that hope today.  We as Christians can rise up and encourage our friends with this plain and simple gospel message.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Can Essential Oils help? Some basic suggestions for basic needs.

People ask me all the time what essential oils do I use and why.  I use them for basic first aid, colds and allergies and other basic health needs. This is not by any means a “go-to” for all things….but an alternative at times.  I have used natural alternatives for over 25 years and used medical when needed as well.  This is something that we choose to look into and we are true believers that many of our basic health and nutritional needs come from nature.  We forget that in years past that our ancestors only knew of natural.  Again…. this is not the only answer but it does help with many situations.

Here are a few items we use:

Myrrh This is great for that nagging cough. Rub some on your throat to calm a cough that will not leave you, especially at night.

Oregano – This is an easy go-to when you feel like something is coming on. Oregano is a “hot oil”, so if you are sensitive you might  want to use a carrier oil with it. We use it on the bottom of our feet. We rub some on our heels and big toes at night before bed. For us it helps clear the head, and in the morning we awake feeling a whole lot better. We will use this for a few days in a row to keep our health in check while the cold season is upon us.

Tea Tree – We use this along with oregano when there is more of a threat of cold and flu. You also apply this on the bottom of your feet.

Peppermint – There are so many uses. Where do I begin?

Headaches- you can use this on your temples, back of the neck, and wrists. (I use it straight, but my adult son is sensitive and needs to use it as a carrier oil.) Breathing- put a drop in your hands and rub your hands together, and then breathe into them for a breath of fresh air. It’ll help open your lungs. Defuse this at night to help with a stuffy head and breathing.

Defender – (different names depending on the brand that you use.)- We use this as a hand sanitizer, especially when shopping, touching carts, and being around so many people. This can help prevent cold germs. We also will use this on our neck, wrists, and feet to help prevent any issues before the cold season approaches.

Digest – (different names depending on the brand that you use)- This is for those times you have stomach issues. This will help settle your stomach for about two to four hours before you might need to apply again. Rub on your tummy area and/or wrists.

Lavender – is great for scars, cuts and burns.  I have used this time and time again for all of these things listed with great results.

Our special tea – is a blend of peppermint, lemon, and thieves (like defender). Use one drop of each with some hot water and honey. It tastes great and helps with the aches and pains of a cold, and you will sleep better! Our youngest son will ask for “Mom’s tea” when he does not feel well. He is not pushed into this; it is his choice.

Side note: When using oils for tea, make sure it is one that states that it can be taken internally.

These are a few things that we use and have enjoyed the benefits.  How about you? What do you use? What are the pros and cons that you have found? Leave me a comment below. I would love to hear your feedback!

 Lynn A.C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

check out my YouTube channel for some other Essential Oil helps…

At Home with Lynn Wilson – YouTube

Honey, Garlic Instant Pot Pork chops #quick and easy dinner

Need a quick and easy and delicious dinner?  Check this out!


  • 4-8 pork chops (thin sliced or if thick, pound down for a thinner cut) – taste better this way
  • 2-3 teaspoons of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • ½ cup honey
  • ¼ soy sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 strips of bacon
  • 1-1/2 teaspoon of orange marmalade


How to cook in the Instant Pot:

  • Turn your pot to sauté
  • Place butter and 2 strips of bacon in the pot to cook for 1-2 minutes only (cut bacon up into small bite size pieces)
  • Salt and pepper both side of chops
  • Place chops in pot and brown on both sides
  • Turn Instant Pot off
  • Now pour in the rest of the ingredients on top
  • Place lid on pot in sealing position
  • Turn on Manuel for 7 minute for thin chops and 10 minutes for thick chops
  • When you are done with you 7 minutes ….do a quick release
  • Open pot away from you and enjoys your oh so good pork chops.


Great over rice, pasta or just about anything!