Just Start…..


As I sit here today…I am thinking about why we are afraid to do what we like.  Have you ever sat and realized that you don’t like the place you are in, the job, the apartment, the place you are in because of your own
attitude and fears.  Why do we get stuck here?

I have been listening to John Maxwell….on ”The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth”file_0011 on Right Now Media.  WOW…personal growth is not easy but so needed.  I am at a point in my life where I feel like I am no longer needed anywhere.  Let me explain a little….at work, I have done that, been there and feel like I have given of my experience, talents and skills, some days I don’t know if I am even a help there anymore. At home my oldest is grown and married and doesn’t need mom most of the time…as it should be.  My youngest is getting older and he is showing me daily that he needs me less and less….this too is as it should be.  My husband is off and running in new directions that life is taking him on and I am so happy for him. He is overdue for life to take him in these new and exciting challenges!!! He has sat on the side lines for far to long waiting for a new direction for him and now he is finding it.  In general what I did and where I have been in life seems to be dull and not very challenging anymore.

So where does this leave me?  I am searching for the next phase of my life.  Being a wife of a disabled husband keeps me busy but being a wife with a husband who is soaring in life ‘s experiences right now is different for me. Being a mom of an adult son who is married and doesn’t need me as much, is different for me.  Being a mom with a special needs son has it challenging days….but with him growing into a young man and not needing me as much …is different.  Having my “normals’ not being normal any more (read my blog “I found my normal and it is a moving target”)…..is different for me.file_003

Ok…ok…am I being told that “I have a new normal” but what is it?  How do I find it?  …..I heard the best advice today from John Maxwell…..”JUST START”.  So this is where life has me….at the starting line of life with almost everything I once knew…. and still do know….but in a different way!

Follow me on my new journey as I post new adventures and stories with the things I will try.  One thing I am determined to do this year is to try something new a few times over.  Where that will take me I dfile_000on’t really know yet…but it will be fun finding out.

Are you in this same place in life?  What are you doing about it?  I would love to hear your story….comment below and share it with me!

Lynn A.C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother