Can Essential Oils help? Some basic suggestions for basic needs.

People ask me all the time what essential oils do I use and why.  I use them for basic first aid, colds and allergies and other basic health needs. This is not by any means a “go-to” for all things….but an alternative at times.  I have used natural alternatives for over 25 years and used medical when needed as well.  This is something that we choose to look into and we are true believers that many of our basic health and nutritional needs come from nature.  We forget that in years past that our ancestors only knew of natural.  Again…. this is not the only answer but it does help with many situations.

Here are a few items we use:

Myrrh This is great for that nagging cough. Rub some on your throat to calm a cough that will not leave you, especially at night.

Oregano – This is an easy go-to when you feel like something is coming on. Oregano is a “hot oil”, so if you are sensitive you might  want to use a carrier oil with it. We use it on the bottom of our feet. We rub some on our heels and big toes at night before bed. For us it helps clear the head, and in the morning we awake feeling a whole lot better. We will use this for a few days in a row to keep our health in check while the cold season is upon us.

Tea Tree – We use this along with oregano when there is more of a threat of cold and flu. You also apply this on the bottom of your feet.

Peppermint – There are so many uses. Where do I begin?

Headaches- you can use this on your temples, back of the neck, and wrists. (I use it straight, but my adult son is sensitive and needs to use it as a carrier oil.) Breathing- put a drop in your hands and rub your hands together, and then breathe into them for a breath of fresh air. It’ll help open your lungs. Defuse this at night to help with a stuffy head and breathing.

Defender – (different names depending on the brand that you use.)- We use this as a hand sanitizer, especially when shopping, touching carts, and being around so many people. This can help prevent cold germs. We also will use this on our neck, wrists, and feet to help prevent any issues before the cold season approaches.

Digest – (different names depending on the brand that you use)- This is for those times you have stomach issues. This will help settle your stomach for about two to four hours before you might need to apply again. Rub on your tummy area and/or wrists.

Lavender – is great for scars, cuts and burns.  I have used this time and time again for all of these things listed with great results.

Our special tea – is a blend of peppermint, lemon, and thieves (like defender). Use one drop of each with some hot water and honey. It tastes great and helps with the aches and pains of a cold, and you will sleep better! Our youngest son will ask for “Mom’s tea” when he does not feel well. He is not pushed into this; it is his choice.

Side note: When using oils for tea, make sure it is one that states that it can be taken internally.

These are a few things that we use and have enjoyed the benefits.  How about you? What do you use? What are the pros and cons that you have found? Leave me a comment below. I would love to hear your feedback!

 Lynn A.C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

check out my YouTube channel for some other Essential Oil helps…

At Home with Lynn Wilson – YouTube

Self-Care (Mental, Emotional and Physical Health) #5-5-5 Challenge

When you are too busy, then you are just too busy.  Usually what suffers is yourself. You forget to take time to keep yourself in good shape. Mental, physical, and emotional health need to be a complete package.  I know myself; I am running around taking care of others, and working full-time. I find that my needs are not being taken care of.

Physically, I need to get up, walk, and eat right. That seems to be something that I can do, when I push myself.  But, when it comes to my mental and emotional health, I seem to feel like, “I am ok”, but I am not. I need to keep these areas in check too.

I decided for this year I need to challenge myself and be creative with how I do it, but also realistic.  I need something that I know that I can really do, yet not set myself up for a fall.

Come and join me in my “5-5-5” challenge this year.  Leave me a comment below, and visit my channel on how to also help yourself.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Welcome to my home and life…

Life is definitely a journey and an adventure if you know anything about me. Every day brings new and exciting things and also some overwhelming moments. For the past two weeks my husband has had two major falls from having seizures which led him to be in the chiropractor’s office 2 to 3 times a week plus having to have physical therapy and wear a back brace.


Because of this we decided to take a quick weekend away that we called a Saturday vacation. While on this vacation he had a seizure, his scooter that he uses to get around in large places died in the middle of the museum. This led to us having to push it out of the museum, to loading it in the car manually, and causing me to be completely overwhelmed and having to have a good cry.


If you asked me is it all worth it I’d say 100%. If you asked me what I marry this man again I would tell you absolutely 100%. He is the man of my dreams and if he comes with an extra package called epilepsy …I wouldn’t change a thing. Now having said all that… I have stated over and over it many times that I have found “my new normal and it’s a moving target”. so what does all of this mean, for me there is no normal, normal is only for a moment and that changes again. And I am OK with that. I’ve had to learn to be OK with that… Otherwise I would not have survived life and all that has been part of it.

This is made me in the long run realize how precious life is, it is giving me the desire to encourage other women and their walk and their journey, it is also encouraged me to invest in peoples lives whenever I can.

But having said all that… I have a new journey in life and an adventure and that is my YouTube channel. Come and join me and come and visit me and see what this crazy life entails. I hope you will find encouragement along the way, maybe some new ideas that you’ve never thought of before, maybe a few laughs, but most of all I hope that you leave feeling a little bit better about yourself, a little bit more encouraged than when you first started to visit with me.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

YouTube Channel name: “At Home with Lynn Wilson”

Recharge and Refresh….

So according to Wikipedia here is what 2020 is;

2020 (MMXX) is the current year, and is a leap year starting on Wednesday of the Gregorian calendar, the 2020th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 20th year of the 3rd millennium, the 20th year of the 21st century, and the 1st year of the 2020s decade.

I don’t know if you want to view this as a new year, a new decade, or something else. But how about a fresh new start? So many times we get “stuck” in stuff.  I find myself so stuck at times that I can hardly move. Yet I really don’t know how I got there.

For today, I am declaring a fresh start and starting over in many areas of my life.  I am giving the grace that I need to forgive myself and move forward. For today I will use the saying that my mom used to tell me, ”today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  

Come and join me on my new adventure of a fresh start.  Here are some of the areas that I want to start fresh in: 

  1. Reading – I need to read more and be consistent.
  2. My marriage – I love my husband, but I feel like I have let things get stale, so I need to be the one to make a change.
  3. More boldness – I need to allow myself to just be me and do what I know I have been called to do, without worrying about what others think of me.

Three is a good place to start. Too many things would overwhelm me. Let me know in the comments below what you want to recharge and refresh in your life. I would be very interested to see what you all want to change.

Happy trails….

Lynn A.C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Self-care – 10 fresh start tips to make your day even more special

  1. Take five to ten minutes each day just for you. Paint your toenails, use a new face mask, or try a new ice cream.
  2. Write yourself a love letter – take five minutes each day to write in a journal or on a note card and list one thing that you know you are good at. By the end of the year you will be amazed at how wonderful you are and how beautifully you have been created.
  3. Take five minutes today to call a friend and share an encouraging word with them. By giving to someone else, you will lift your own spirits.
  4. Take five to ten minutes and do some stretching exercises.  It will make you more limber and help clear your head.
  5. Take a five to ten minute walk, even if it’s up and down your driveway.  Allow yourself to breath deep and remember that you are breathing life into yourself.
  6. Take five minutes a day to look up a Bible verse for words of encouragement that you can claim and hold fast to. 
  7. Take five to ten minutes and make yourself a fun breakfast of blueberry pancakes, oatmeal with fresh fruit, or something else delicious that you don’t normally treat yourself to. Remember you are worth the extra treats!
  8. In the evening take five to ten minutes to allow yourself to indulge in a new hobby. Start crochet or a needlepoint project.
  9. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. Enjoy the fact that you are alive today.
  10. As hard as this is (and no one is watching but you), stand in front of a mirror and talk out loud to yourself. Repeat the following every once in awhile :
    1. I have been fearfully and wonderfully made.
    2. I have been chosen.
    3. I am worth it.

At first you will laugh at yourself awkwardly. Then you might shed a tear or two and question these statements. After a while, a fresh start and recharge along with some self-care will have you amazed at how bold you have become, and you will learn to believe these statements and repeat them to yourself.

Frozen green beans… Dehydrated

I always like a good challenge… And I’ve heard more and more people tell me you cannot dehydrate frozen vegetables. So what’s a girl to do… Go on YouTube, Pinterest and all the rest and look up recipes. So I took on the challenge and I did dehydrate a bag of frozen green beans that I purchased at Trader Joe’s.

The ultimate goal will be to learn how to dehydrate as many vegetables including frozen… So then I can make soup mixes in a jar for Christmas presents this year.

I took the bag directly from the freezer, placed them on the trays, turned the dehydrator on… My dehydrator only has one setting, and then let it run all night. The next morning I got up and they were fantastically dehydrated. All ready for soup mixes, stews, and anything else that I need.

I think this is a fantastic way to preserve food and not to waste it. I find myself many times buying fresh produce and frozen things forgetting I have them and I end up throwing them out.

On to bigger and better ways to preserving food for my family, and to also save money.

Let me know if you’ve ever dehydrated green beans frozen or fresh and how they came out.

Lynn A. C. Wilson-Resume of a Mother

Dehydrated Banana’s…YUMO!!!

How many times have you been left with bananas that you justdidn’t know what to do with, or you saw a good sale and wished you could buy abunch of them… no pun intended, and keep them for future use. I know somepeople like to freeze them for smoothies etc., but here’s another great idea.

Why not dehydrate them? I was blessed with a dehydrator forChristmas… So now I am in my kitchen trying things fast and furious to see howthey turn out.

This was one of my first attempts. I saw a lot of recipes whereyou could dip the banana slice in lemon juice, but I decided to go completelynatural and they are absolutely delicious.

  • Peel the skinsoff, and I also sliced off a little bit off of each end.
  • Then slice eachbanana into quarter inch slices.
  • Lay them on thetrays so that they are not touching each other, otherwise they will end upsticking together.
  • Depending on yourdehydrator’s instructions… Set your dehydrator to the correct setting forfruit. My dehydrator is just one setting. Or you can place them in the oven ona baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Turn your oven on to the lowestsetting and let it dehydrate that way.
  • My banana slicestook about 12 hours in the dehydrator and about eight hours in the oven todehydrate completely. From everything I understand they need to be dry, not wetto the touch, and leather like in feel.
  • They will stick alittle bit to your trays when they are done… but with a little tug they peelright off.
  • Store in anairtight container, a mason jar, or a storage bag.

A great way to have a healthy snack… Or add to your oatmeal inthe morning.

Comment below if you have ever hydrated bananas and what yourexperience has been. Have you done it with or without lemon juice… addedcinnamon or honey? I’d love to hear from you!

From Lynn’s kitchen…

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Chiropractor and Epilepsy..does it work?

Simple and Natural is how we look at this.  We get asked all the time if the chiropractor and Epilepsy really work well together.  Now let me say that I am not a doctor and I am not in the medical profession at all….but I live with my Epileptic husband for over 30 years.  With that being said…I know my husband better than any doctor.  I have been asked over and over to explain things in detail to the doctor (since my hubby usually doesn’t know himself), as to what is happening in his life and with his seizures.  Most times…the doctor remarks on how well I really know what is going on better than most “professionals”.

So getting back to chiropractors…..YES, YES, YES they really do work.  If you are not familiar with going to one, don’t be alarmed by them.  They are not doing anything against what your body was designed to do …quite the contrary.  The best way to describe it is that they will get your spine back in line which works hand in hand with your immune system and all your other organs in your body.

After my husband has had a seizure…..most times if he was walking or standing he will crash-land on the floor.  Then we will find that he has hit is head, twisted his body by the way he fell or what he fell into.  Sometimes…it is only a day or two later that he will notice that something doesn’t seem right.  For example….about a month ago he was walking in a restaurant….as he had a seizure he dropped his plate on the floor in front of him….then ended up taking a few steps backwards, and then we guess he stiffened up and fell straight back and slamming his head and entire body to the floor.   What a jolt his body must have felt!

We went for our monthly visit to our chiropractor and he asked my hubby how things were going….as my hubby explained what had happened, he realized that his jaw was also bothering him in addition to some other things.   The doctor had a look and said Graeme had the equivalent to whip-lash from the fall and had knocked his jaw out of alignment too. This is only one example of how it has helped him after a seizure.

The list for us goes on and on with the amount of help in getting these adjustments, and also just all in all general help and health.  He seems to respond well to an adjustment immediately and right after an adjustment he tells me he feels more relaxed and clear-headed.

It has been over 20 years now we have been going this route and with a few other natural alternatives such as vitamins, herbs and oils…..this too has been a great supplement to his seizure meds.

I hope this helps shed any light to anyone else who struggles out there with seizures, epilepsy, ADHD and or Autism.  Our family has been blessed to have these doctors in our life!

Comment below if this form of medical treatment has help you and or if you have found other alternatives that you can share.  We would love to hear from you.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother