Hot Chocolate Bar in a Bag – A Great Gift Idea

Do you need a last minute gift idea of something practical that you can give a loved one or a friend? Who doesn’t like hot chocolate? You can customize this any way you want too and enjoy coming up with creative ideas for your gift. Here is a simple idea that I put together for a friend.


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Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


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Quick and Easy Gift…no Cost Gift Idea!

Do you need a cheap and inexpensive gift idea that can last a lifetime?  My kids, this year, gave me a wonderful gift and I wanted to share with you all.

Gifts can be expensive, and/or sometimes we just don’t really know what to get.  I know myself; so many times I have purchased a gift for someone and they in turn gave it back to me, put it on a shelf, or who knows what.  Why waste your time and money buying something when you have other options?

Check out this great gift idea; comment below if you decide to do this, and let me know what you did.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Welcome to my home and life…

Life is definitely a journey and an adventure if you know anything about me. Every day brings new and exciting things and also some overwhelming moments. For the past two weeks my husband has had two major falls from having seizures which led him to be in the chiropractor’s office 2 to 3 times a week plus having to have physical therapy and wear a back brace.


Because of this we decided to take a quick weekend away that we called a Saturday vacation. While on this vacation he had a seizure, his scooter that he uses to get around in large places died in the middle of the museum. This led to us having to push it out of the museum, to loading it in the car manually, and causing me to be completely overwhelmed and having to have a good cry.


If you asked me is it all worth it I’d say 100%. If you asked me what I marry this man again I would tell you absolutely 100%. He is the man of my dreams and if he comes with an extra package called epilepsy …I wouldn’t change a thing. Now having said all that… I have stated over and over it many times that I have found “my new normal and it’s a moving target”. so what does all of this mean, for me there is no normal, normal is only for a moment and that changes again. And I am OK with that. I’ve had to learn to be OK with that… Otherwise I would not have survived life and all that has been part of it.

This is made me in the long run realize how precious life is, it is giving me the desire to encourage other women and their walk and their journey, it is also encouraged me to invest in peoples lives whenever I can.

But having said all that… I have a new journey in life and an adventure and that is my YouTube channel. Come and join me and come and visit me and see what this crazy life entails. I hope you will find encouragement along the way, maybe some new ideas that you’ve never thought of before, maybe a few laughs, but most of all I hope that you leave feeling a little bit better about yourself, a little bit more encouraged than when you first started to visit with me.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

YouTube Channel name: “At Home with Lynn Wilson”

Essential Oil Candle

This was something new for me to make… an essential oil candle. I have joined an essential oil’s club where you receive a check each month. The kit usually includes a project, four different oils, and about six recipes and any extra ingredients that you might need to make them. My kit is through a company called “Simply Earth”… and so far I have really enjoyed using all of their oils.

They included the recipe, a candle, and Himalayan Sea Salt to make this candle. They recommend that the candle does not sit directly on the salt… So I was able to find a candle holder at the dollar tree and also one at Michael’s crafts.

The recipe was easy… take the Himalayan sea salt, are used 10 drops of orange oil and 10 drops of fennel oil. I mixed it together in the salt. I then put the salt at the bottom of the glass jar… attached the glass jar lid with the extended candle holder, added the candle to it and then lit the candle. The fragrance in the kitchen was excellent and we really enjoyed the scent of the mix of the two oil’s.

Here’s a copy of the recipe card and some pictures of what I used and how I put it together. img_2605img_2606


Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Homemade Laundry Detergent! Yay or Nay?

I used to watch people make their own detergent and I thought that they were nuts!!!! I could not understand why anyone would take the time to do this when you could go to your local grocery store with a coupon in hand and catch a good sale and purchase some that was already made up in a pretty bottle.

I am on a kick to make everything homemade these days…that I can make for our home. I really enjoy making things for my family whether it be for a delicious meal, something pretty for the house… or even laundry detergent.

We struggle with hard water/ high iron and my wash has never looked better after making this detergent. My cloths stay newer looking. I love the simplicity of it…simple to make, simple to use and no fragrances to deal with.

When I make a batch it seems to last me about 6 months or so and it costs about $7 to make. I tend to use a little more in my wash since I usually only do extra-large loads and also I use a little more than normal due to the hard water. (Normal amount would be 1 tablespoon per size of load… For example 1 tablespoon for small, 2 tablespoons for medium load.) But all in all for $7 and it lasting 6-8 months, I think that is pretty good deal. As well as I just down right like it!!!! When is the last time that you only paid $7 dollars for laundry detergent that lasted you six months?

Here is my recipie….hope you enjoy it. Let me know in the comments below if you make your own and if you like it. Also do you have any other different recipes to share?

Homemade laundry detergent recipe:

I will let you know I get a big tub and I dump all the ingredients into it. I then store it in an airtight container… and I put some in a smaller container to use on a daily basis. On the larger container that I store the bulk of it in… I have the recipe written on the lid of it so that I always know where to find the recipe.

Lynn A.C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Epilepsy and Essential oils….does it really work?

I have dealt with my husband’s seizures and Epilepsy for over 30 years now.  His seizures have changed over the years from the type of seizure that he has, to the length of it and also what triggers it.  It has been a learning process for the both of us.

If you have seizures or live with someone with them….you know the drill.  You probably have struggled at some point yourself with the changes and where it takes you in life!  Let me say before I share any more….YES YES YES we live daily with everyone’s advice as to what meds, what foods, what life style, what we should and should not do etc.….. We are thankful for good friends and people who care, but when they have not lived with this….their advice can be like nails on a chalkboard!  Advice is great when you ask for it but not every time you see someone. Also, choosing a natural remedy… seems to ignite conversation in people who normally wouldn’t even talk to you. “Natural” seems to unnerve people and make them feel uneasy. In our family we tend to choose natural over Medical whenever possible. So this might be an option for you and then again possibly not if you’re not into any type of natural alternatives.

Ok enough with that…the purpose of this blog post is to share something with you about Essential oils that works for us.  This is not a medical diagnosis or a proven clinical fact…this is only what has worked for our family.

At this point in our lives….we have tried all the conventional ways and yes my husband is still on his meds.  But overall….he needs something else.  If you know Epilepsy….seizures cannot always be completely controlled and that is the case with him.

We have tried Essential Oils and we have found success!!!  Frankincense was recommended to us along with a few other oils.  What has worked and is working for us is “Oil of Oregano”.  Yes you might smell a little like a salad but who cares.  It works so well for us that we never leave home without it anymore.

When it is an “off day” for him, a long day, a rainy day, right before and even during a seizure….he/we apply it. You can use it straight on the skin (be careful since this is a hot oil), or as we have been using it ….we make up roller bottles with the oregano and a carrier oil.

Here are a few pics of what we use….I hope this helps you with either a new concept or at least to gives you an alternative to either try or just investigate for your own health.

You will see in these pictures… that you will only need four items. You would need the oil of your choice, a roller bottle, a funnel to help pour the oil into the bottle, and you would need a carrier oil. Once made… we use the roller bottle with the essential oil’s in it on his wrist, on the back of his neck and also down his spine every 2 to 4 hours or as needed.

Feel free to ask questions….if we can help we would love to share with you! We would love to get your feedback as well if you have tried essential oil’s have they been a success or a failure? Which oils have used and how do use them? Do you have a certain brand that you prefer over another and why?

Lynn A. Wilson (and hubby Graeme) – Resume of a Mother

DIY…Thank you note, with a Twist!

I think we have lost the art of saying “Thank you”!  It is an easy 2 words to say, text, write etc…and yet we go on our way and forget.  I made it a point a number of years ago when we were having a really hard time in life, to take note of the things done for us. So many people prayed for us, brought us bags of food, sent a check, shared a kind word and the list goes on and on.

I could not afford to repay them but I could say thank you.  A simple note was all I could do at that time and I thought it was so small. Yet the reaction I received back from so many, was that they were thankful to receive a simple note. Fast forward a number of years and we are still blessed by many things given to us, but most of all just having some really great people in our lives.

It is easy to take things for granted in the business of life.  But for today….I want to take the time and say thank you for all of you who read my Blog today!

Sometimes it is nice to write a note and other times…to add something special with it.  I have included a bookmark, a teabag or two and other similar things in the card.  I now have a new candy mold that you will see in the pics.  I decided to add this to a thank you note for extra special occasions.

Items Needed:

  • Candy mold
  • Candy chips to melt
  • Glass bowl or similar
  • Microwave

Very easy to do….

  • Melt the chocolate in the microwave ( directions are also on the candy chips bag)
  • Pour into the candy mold
  • Place in freezer for about 10 minutes
  • Pop candy out
  • Put in decorative box or similar with a thank you note attached.

Have fun being creative with this project.  Send me pics and comments of what you did.  I would love to see it!

Thank you from,

Lynn A. Wilson – Resume of a Mother