A simplistic wardrobe

Some things in life are as easy as black and white.  Simplicity is my new go-to for most things in life.  To me, my life in so many areas is crazy and busy, and it can be overwhelming. 

My daily life includes work, family, a social calendar, and a side business from home.  Trying to keep all the plates spinning and keeping myself looking good has been a challenge each morning for me.’

I decided to try a new idea to me and that would include keeping my wardrobe super simple and on budget.  A basic pair of blank pants and a basic white shirt and you have your foundation for a great new wardrobe.

Black pants and white shirts can be purchased cheaply from garage sales, thrift stores, online, or in the store.  Add any color jacket or overshirt with a scarf or beads and you are all set.

Check out my video on how I mix and match a simple few jackets with my black and white foundation.

Let us not forget to have a pair of basic black or just a pair of comfortable basic black shoes. We all need a good pair of shoes that at the end of the day our feet are not hurting.

FitVillei is a great shoe company that reached out to me with a 30% discount.  Their shoes have become my favorite comfortable shoe.  Check out the link in the description for a discount code if you wanted to take a look at their website.

Thanks for stopping by and I trust this quick video will give you some great tips to refresh and or start a new basic and simple wardrobe.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com



Staying Positive in a negative world

Staying positive in a negative world has been a topic for many books, podcasts, and seminars.  Everyone has their own take on this topic!

Do you find it hard to do this?  I know for me….I have to try very hard to keep my head above water and my emotional state of mind fixed on positive things.  I have set up a routine for myself for daily prayer, devotions, and listening to uplifting music such as praise and worship.  Now this is me and I know this is not for everyone, but what you need to do is find these styles of things to keep you focused on good things throughout your day.

I find that so many people want to talk about the negative things…. anything positive doesn’t seem to be the popular topic.  Why is that?  Why do we tend to gravitate toward the negatives of life?

I have created a video on my channel that gives you a little more insight into me and this topic, and hope and trust it will encourage you today.

Please check it out!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com



Basic Budget Tips

Are you stuck in a rut with your budget? How many times at the end of each month do you feel you could do it just a bit better? Sometimes going back to the basics is the best way to do it and I have ten simple tips that I like to follow. Why not try something new and see if this would help.


  • Pay your bills on the first of the month and get them out of the way.
  • Look for ways to make extra money and sell off some of the items that you have been decluttering to put money back into the budget.
  • Always do a pantry inventory before you decide to go food shopping.
  • Try and cook double and freeze a meal so those nights when you’re tired and hungry…and you have the urge to eat out, you have something already in the freezer to warm up.
  • Consider buying everything used.
  • When you need to buy something new, check into three places that sell that item…. and see who has the best price.
  • Make sure you were always checking your phone bill. Cell phone bill and cable bill before the contract will expire… so you can negotiate a new plan before the expiration date of the old contract.
  • When you’ve made a major mistake with your money, don’t sit in pity.  Sit down and find a solution and a way to make things better.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help get some good mentoring or counseling if you need budget help.
  • Be realistic with your budget and don’t create a budget you wish you could have.  Base your budget on your current income and strive to always leave a little wiggle room.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com



A free Printable for your planner or to use to keep you thinking!

30 Day Quick Cleaning Cycle List

Do you feel overwhelmed sometimes with all that you need to get done? Somedays I feel like I will never see the end of cleaning my home. Just when I get one room done I turn around and see a thousand other projects. It is those little things that sometimes trip us up and those things also get forgotten too. Here is a simple little 30-day list of getting those little things done.

Take one day a month and clean that item listed and then at the end of the month you can look back and realize how much you did.

I hope this list gives you some fun new ideas of things that can make your day, week, and month a little lighter and cleaner for you.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com



House to HOME…Declutter with me

In the world that we live in ….do you find your life feeling cluttered?  We have so many things on your plate from social media, activities, children, family, friends, school, church, and then there is our house.  Do you ever feel like your house is no longer a home?  Do you feel like your house is being taken over by stuff and clutter?

I have decided to eat that elephant called my house and eat it one bite at a time.  How am I going to do that you ask?  Well….currently we are 20 weeks away from Christmas.  So, over the next 20 weeks, I will aim to declutter only one area at a time or one bite at a time. 

This will break things down so that it is not as overwhelming, and I can set each week aside for just one extra task.  The great part about doing it this way…..is that after 20 weeks, I will have 20 areas of my life cleaned up.  Also, I can also look at this that I can do this in the next 20 weeks and look forward to Christmas and know that my house is retaking shape as my HOME!

If you would like to join me, I will have a series on my YouTube channel called “House to Home…Declutter with Me”.  Over the next 20 weeks, we will declutter an area together and you can follow along by printing a copy of the PDF of the 20-week journey. Also, there is a 52-week list if you want to be adventurous and have a full year’s worth of decluttering your house.

Ok, let’s do this together!

I will post the first video in the series to give you a taste of what we will be doing and then you can follow each week on YouTube for the next video in the series.

I hope you enjoy it!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother (Blog) At Home with Lynn Wilson (YouTube)

Hot Chocolate Bar in a Bag – A Great Gift Idea

Do you need a last minute gift idea of something practical that you can give a loved one or a friend? Who doesn’t like hot chocolate? You can customize this any way you want too and enjoy coming up with creative ideas for your gift. Here is a simple idea that I put together for a friend.


Thanks for stopping by!!!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com

Face Book:



Unique Service

I worked in the Travel and Tourism field for many years, for the airlines and hotels, before working in Ministry.  Both good customer service and unique service was always something that would be a big draw for customers.  Who doesn’t like to be treated special, in a unique way…. to feel like you have been hand-picked to have this service done just for you?  If you walked into a hotel and they greeted you and knew your name as you walked in and then led you to the desk, carried your bags, checked you in, offered you some special accommodations, and maybe even a unique special gift for just coming…how would that make you feel?  At first, I think I would assume they have the wrong person and start looking around for the right person….after which when they tell me it was really for me….I would feel that I was unique and special even for that moment in time.

I remember when we walked into our church a few years ago and we were greeted in a manner that made us feel like they had been waiting for us to arrive.  They had never met us….and we had never been to this church.  Week after week, we were greeted with a heartfelt hug, welcome, smile and a feeling of we belong.  How special that after two years of being there….there is never a time when we arrive that we are not treated with this same feeling.

Is this unique?  YES, it is….where can you go and get this greeting these days?

I am reminded of a verse when I enter this church found in Matthew 20:28

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

If the Lord came to serve, who are we to do any less? If you are not sure who to serve, when to serve or where to serve……then ask for WISDOM (see James 1:5).  His words are perfect and truth.  He will direct your path and steps and lead you into serving at the perfect moment.

I have been reminded a few times in the past few months about how to serve in a humble way….I am proud to say that I work with many wonderful people herein ministry that walk with the Lord daily and serve with a humble spirit. Let me share a few examples with you…

We had a rather larger person who could not tie his shoe….I watched him pace the floor and then finally asked one of our staff men to help him tie his shoe.  Our staff member knelt down and tied his shoe and as he did he started talking about a sports game….in a way that turned that embarrassing moment for a guest into a “by-the-way type conversation” and removed the awkwardness.

I also watched as a staff member, on his way to a coffee shop… spotted a homeless man and purchased a coffee and sandwich for him.  When the staff member gave it to the man….he asked for his name and then told him how Jesus loved him.  He didn’t just hand it to him but made him feel special by asking for his name.

I also watched a guest check-in with her luggage which happened to be a cardboard box.  She was on a limited income and had a family to take care of ….so her personal needs were put on the back burner.  Another staff member saw this and got together with me to put together a set of luggage for her.  We gave this to her anonymously so that she would not feel awkward.

Again….He did not come to be served but to serve.  The Lord served in a loving and humble way.  As I write this devotion…my eyes are filled with tears remembering these stories and my heart is challenged by these servants to get out there and serve someone today…how about you?

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com

Face Book:




The Freezer and Fridge is full and yet you have nothing to eat? Let’s roll up our sleeves and clean out the freezer, pantry and fridge and see what we can come up for with meals for 2 weeks only using our bits and pieces. Money is tight, some foods are hard to find and we want to be as frugal and budget friendly as we can to help us stay on track. Also….did you know that you can get some foods sent to you via UPS with free shipping from Walmart. I have a small Walmart Haul with a few fillers.

A small Walmart Hall via Walmart.com

So what can we find in the freezer to make a meal with?

So what can we find in the refrigerator to make a meal with?


Beef Stroganoff using leftovers!

Here is a quick and easy meal for a lunch or dinner using leftovers. Below will be a link to the original recipe that I used that they called hamburger stroganoff. It’s a great recipe that cooks up in about 10 minutes that you can modify to basically use anything you have in your refrigerator and pantry. It’s healthy and delicious and kid friendly. Also is a link for my buffalo chicken soup that I used with leftovers that I had as well.