Chiropractor and Epilepsy..does it work?

Simple and Natural is how we look at this.  We get asked all the time if the chiropractor and Epilepsy really work well together.  Now let me say that I am not a doctor and I am not in the medical profession at all….but I live with my Epileptic husband for over 30 years.  With that being said…I know my husband better than any doctor.  I have been asked over and over to explain things in detail to the doctor (since my hubby usually doesn’t know himself), as to what is happening in his life and with his seizures.  Most times…the doctor remarks on how well I really know what is going on better than most “professionals”.

So getting back to chiropractors…..YES, YES, YES they really do work.  If you are not familiar with going to one, don’t be alarmed by them.  They are not doing anything against what your body was designed to do …quite the contrary.  The best way to describe it is that they will get your spine back in line which works hand in hand with your immune system and all your other organs in your body.

After my husband has had a seizure…..most times if he was walking or standing he will crash-land on the floor.  Then we will find that he has hit is head, twisted his body by the way he fell or what he fell into.  Sometimes…it is only a day or two later that he will notice that something doesn’t seem right.  For example….about a month ago he was walking in a restaurant….as he had a seizure he dropped his plate on the floor in front of him….then ended up taking a few steps backwards, and then we guess he stiffened up and fell straight back and slamming his head and entire body to the floor.   What a jolt his body must have felt!

We went for our monthly visit to our chiropractor and he asked my hubby how things were going….as my hubby explained what had happened, he realized that his jaw was also bothering him in addition to some other things.   The doctor had a look and said Graeme had the equivalent to whip-lash from the fall and had knocked his jaw out of alignment too. This is only one example of how it has helped him after a seizure.

The list for us goes on and on with the amount of help in getting these adjustments, and also just all in all general help and health.  He seems to respond well to an adjustment immediately and right after an adjustment he tells me he feels more relaxed and clear-headed.

It has been over 20 years now we have been going this route and with a few other natural alternatives such as vitamins, herbs and oils…..this too has been a great supplement to his seizure meds.

I hope this helps shed any light to anyone else who struggles out there with seizures, epilepsy, ADHD and or Autism.  Our family has been blessed to have these doctors in our life!

Comment below if this form of medical treatment has help you and or if you have found other alternatives that you can share.  We would love to hear from you.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Is it worth it?  Investing in a life…..

I know that many of you come to my site for articles on Epilepsy, Autism, motherhood, crafts etc…. These topics are near and dear to my heart and life and I love sharing about them. But there is also another side to me… so if you are not religious and or enjoy that type of topic this article might not be for you. but if you do… come and join me in this great discussion! Either way let me also thank you for coming and visiting my blog site today!

How many times have you tried to help someone out and then almost regretted it? How many times have you felt that your good deed hit a brick wall or a dead-end?  If you are like me you wonder if anything you have done will ever or have ever amounted to anything.

I know myself there are days I feel empty after working alongside of someone I have invested my time, money, talent into.  You sit back and wonder if they heard you, appreciated what you did and will they ever get the whole picture of what you are trying to do.

Recently the Lord has put on my heart and my husband’s heart to work with some young people as an outreach.  This is under the umbrella of our church but reaches many teens who are in our local community and are “unchurched” and do not know anything about God.  In this group we share a “one verse” devotion, serve them dinner and then teach them a life skill.  Our “win” or ultimate goal is to mentor each girl that comes to the club, with love, words of wisdom, and a Godly example.  Now that the girls club has been started and is a success….we have now started a boys club too.  For the girls….we state we are “reaching one heart at a time” and for the boys….”we are creating a leader one day at a time”.

So how does this all tie together with my title…’Is it worth it?…..the answer is YES!!!  Yes it costs us money, time, talent, resources, and some days a bottle of Advil, but it is worth it.

The Bible clearly talks about investing in a life.  First of all the Lord invested in your life and mine at the cross….he took Lynn Wilson’s name to the cross and personally died for me so that I could have eternal life.  If that alone is not enough to make you realize how important one life is then there is a problem!

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The Bible also shares with us that the older should teach the younger. Being a “Titus 2” woman is something most of us have heard growing up.  YES it makes a difference! I am a product of that…many women took the time to mentor and teach me in my younger years and I am grateful for this love and guidance that was given to me. Now it’s my turn to share with someone!

Titus 2:3-5

Older women similarly are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor addicted to much wine, teaching what is right and good, so that they may encourage the young women to tenderly love their husbands and their children,  to be sensible, pure, makers of a home [where God is honored, good-natured, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.

So many older woman who I chat with tell me that they USED to be a Sunday school teacher, or they USED to serve in the church. They tell me that now that they are older they leave it up to the young people.  My question to them is….when did serving the Lord have an expiration date?  When did the Lord give you your date of retirement?

Matthew 20:28

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

As I serve in an area that I personally would say is not my best gift…..I aim to serve with a willing heart.  I do feel that even though I started this mentoring group….I will pass the leadership over in the next few years.  My task that the Lord gave me might only be to be a vessel and to start this group and to get the ball rolling.  For me not to respond would go against everything that the Lord showed us in His own walk here on the earth.

In the midst of the girls I work with could there be another Mary or Ester that the Lord needs to prepare for the future?  Could I be mentoring someone who could save a nation? Who could change another life?

How about you…..are you worth it?  YES….and I am sure that somewhere in your life there was someone who took the time to invest in your life.  First of all go and tell them thank you!  Then respond to the Lord’s leading and ask the Lord to show you which life you need to invest  in!

Message me and let me know when you have an answer from the Lord as to who you need to mentor and let me know how you are going to invest in their life. I would love to hear from you!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother
