Time….No Time….Not Enough Time….

img_0321For the life of me I cannot remember what movie I heard this phrase from but my husband and I use it often in describing our days.  Do you have crazy days; do you feel like time is always running out?  I would love to know what it feels like to lay around all day, at least for just one day and watch TV, read a book, sip coffee and do absolutely nothing.  Ok….I need to wake up from that dream!!!

I was just emailing a friend last night and we were talking about all that we do as women.  Here was the list I gave her to describe myself and where I am in life right now…can you relate to this crazy life?

wife, mother, special needs mother of an Autistic son also with several other disabilities, driver of 4 non-driving family members, career woman, sister, daughter, niece, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, home manager, accountant for our family’s needs, couponer, nurse to our kids, wife of an active epileptic husband, cook, wash woman, house cleaner, gardener, homemaker, blogger, speaker, crafter, women’s ministry coordinator, church member, church worker, friend, and I am sure I missed a few other wonderful title to add to the list.  As you can see this is how my blog became “Resume of a Mother”.

Ok, so where does our family’s needs, that phone call that comes in the middle of the day when someone needs your help etc…all fit in?


My husband Graeme and I were just talking about this last night and he said….”In the hustle and bustle of life we can push people aside because we don’t have time, especially when it’s a family member”. How profound!!!! My husband is the wisest man I know and also is a man of few words….but when he gets on a roll, I learn so much from him.  His perspective on this was so thought-provoking!!! We have to remember it was only a year or so ago that some of these people took the time to teach us and help us.  Another great quote from my husband.

My oldest son is very much like me and is very independent and he does not need much help from anyone.  He is talented beyond with tech stuff, his career, knowing how to fix things and so much morefullsizerender-6.  I have warned him of two tips that I have learned and I am still learning…..1. When we are so independent we become so focused on the task and getting it done, that we can forget to allow the Lord to have the space to work in our lives.  Also we miss out on blessings of letting other into our lives.  That is not to say that we are not capable to do the task…but sometimes the Lord uses others in our lives to teach us, HUMBLE us, and to show us new things.  Also, when they are in the process of helping us…..it might be that the Lord needs to use them and to teach and show them something too, it is not always about us. 2. Be open and available to others and do not shut them out because “we can do this”.

I have to rethink and to take the time in my daily schedule to reach out to others, do some RAK things, listen, be available etc….  My life and schedule has taken a full swing of “full speed ahead” mode and I need to remember that I have family and friends that need me and that I need as well!

Old black phone with dust and scratchesCan I challenge you today to look at your life, and to see what time that you might need to tweak in order to spend with others? Do you keep some time open for when someone might call for help? Have you found yourself so busy that you cannot lend a hand when needed?  Do you find as I have that you say you are available as you stare at your cell phone and you are walking away as someone is trying to desperately talk to you and get your attention? Ouch…that just hurt!!!  How many times do I do this?  PUT THE PHONE DOWN LYNN!!!!

Let me know if you ever do an RAK’s or anything else special in the comments below…I would love to hear from you. Let me know your challenges that you have to find the time to share with family and friends.  How are you being creative with others?

Lynn A C Wilson – Resume of a Mother


2 thoughts on “Time….No Time….Not Enough Time….

    1. Being new at being a blogger… I’m just getting my routine down pat. I do have the next couple of weeks scheduled out. And it is a relief to know that it’s taken care of. My thoughts and ideas are flowing, but being a full-time working mom, being the wife of an epileptic and the mom of an autistic son… Yikes my days are so full sometimes! Thanks for touching base!


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