30 Day Quick Cleaning Cycle List

Do you feel overwhelmed sometimes with all that you need to get done? Somedays I feel like I will never see the end of cleaning my home. Just when I get one room done I turn around and see a thousand other projects. It is those little things that sometimes trip us up and those things also get forgotten too. Here is a simple little 30-day list of getting those little things done.

Take one day a month and clean that item listed and then at the end of the month you can look back and realize how much you did.

I hope this list gives you some fun new ideas of things that can make your day, week, and month a little lighter and cleaner for you.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com



House to HOME…Declutter with me

In the world that we live in ….do you find your life feeling cluttered?  We have so many things on your plate from social media, activities, children, family, friends, school, church, and then there is our house.  Do you ever feel like your house is no longer a home?  Do you feel like your house is being taken over by stuff and clutter?

I have decided to eat that elephant called my house and eat it one bite at a time.  How am I going to do that you ask?  Well….currently we are 20 weeks away from Christmas.  So, over the next 20 weeks, I will aim to declutter only one area at a time or one bite at a time. 

This will break things down so that it is not as overwhelming, and I can set each week aside for just one extra task.  The great part about doing it this way…..is that after 20 weeks, I will have 20 areas of my life cleaned up.  Also, I can also look at this that I can do this in the next 20 weeks and look forward to Christmas and know that my house is retaking shape as my HOME!

If you would like to join me, I will have a series on my YouTube channel called “House to Home…Declutter with Me”.  Over the next 20 weeks, we will declutter an area together and you can follow along by printing a copy of the PDF of the 20-week journey. Also, there is a 52-week list if you want to be adventurous and have a full year’s worth of decluttering your house.

Ok, let’s do this together!

I will post the first video in the series to give you a taste of what we will be doing and then you can follow each week on YouTube for the next video in the series.

I hope you enjoy it!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother (Blog) At Home with Lynn Wilson (YouTube)

Take a Walk with me….

I am reminded every day of Psalm 46:10 which clearly states, Be still and know that I am God.  Did you notice I used the word clearly.  I have this verse on my computer at work, on my computer at home, and on the bulletin board in my kitchen.  I know myself and I know that I need to be reminded of this often!

Let me take you back a few steps to where I have been and where I am heading.  I have been praying for about a year now for a certain area of my life to open up and for the Lord to show me what He would like me to do.  Of course, being STILL and knowing that He is God and in control is so hard for me.  Can you relate?  In my thoughts daily this particular item is running through my mind and I have a list of what I feel is the best thing, how I can organize it, where I fit in and what is needed from me.  I have it all worked out if the Lord would only answer my prayer (oh, yes, in the way I have organized it), I would be in great shape.

Then again I am reminded….of Psalm 46:10 Be Still…..that is a hard task when you are task-orientated, always wanting to be busy and on the go.  I am slowly learning over the past year to be still, not to rush, not run, not to jump but to be still.

Yesterday a guest walked into my office and we just started to chat about prayer and what she is working through in her life.  She had the same type of story that I have….praying and having a hard time waiting.  She told me she is learning to walk with God.  What a thought….”Walk with God”; again I am reminded to be still or at least slow it down, not to run, not to rush, and not to jump but to be still and wait for the Lord.

What have you been praying about this past year and are you still waiting for an answer?  Join me and walk with the Lord for a time, during which you will get the answer you need.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com




Is it worth it? Investing in a life…

How many times have you tried to help someone out and then almost regretted it? How many times have you felt that your good deed hit a brick wall or a dead end? If you are like me you wonder if anything you have done will ever or have ever amounted to anything.

I know myself there are days I feel empty after working alongside of someone I have invested my time, money, talent into. You sit back and wonder if they heard you, appreciated what you did and will they ever get the whole picture of what you are trying to do.

Recently the Lord has put on my heart and my husband’s heart to work with some young people as an outreach. This is under the umbrella of our church but reaches many teens who are in our local community and are unchurched and do not know anything about God. In this group we share a “one verse” devotion, serve them dinner and then teach them a life skill. Our “win” or ultimate goal is to mentor each girl that comes to the club, with love, words of wisdom, and a Godly example. Now that the girls club has been started and is a success….we have now started a boys club too. For the girls….we state we are “reaching one heart at a time” and for the boys….”we are creating a leader one day at a time”.

So how does this all tie together with my title…’Is it worth it?…..the answer is YES!!! Yes it costs us money, time, talent, resources, and somedays a bottle of Advil, but it is worth it.

The Bible clearly talks about investing in a life. First of all the Lord invested in your life and mine at the cross….he took Lynn Wilson’s name to the cross and personally died for me so that I could have eternal life. If that alone is not enough to make you realize how important one life is then there is a problem!

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The Bible also shares with us that the older should teach the younger. Being a “Titus 2” woman is something most of us have heard growing up. YES it makes a difference! I am a product of that…many women took the time to mentor and teach me in my younger years and I am grateful for this love and guidance that was given to me. Now it’s my turn to share with someone!

Titus 2:3-5

Older women similarly are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor addicted to much wine, teaching what is right and good, so that they may encourage the young women to tenderly love their husbands and their children, to be sensible, pure, makers of a home [where God is honored], good-natured, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.

So many older woman that I chat with tell me that they USED to be a Sunday school teacher, or they USED to serve in the church. They tell me that now that they are older they leave it up to the young people. My question to them is….when did serving the Lord have an expiration date? When did the Lord give you your date of retirement?

Matthew 20:28

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

As I serve in an area that I personally would say is not my best gift…..I aim to serve with a willing heart. I do feel that even though I started this mentoring group….I will pass the leadership over in the next few years. My task that the Lord gave me might only be to be a vessel and to start this group and to get the ball rolling. For me not to respond would go against everything that the Lord showed us in His own walk here on the earth.

In the midst of the girls I work with could there be another Mary or Ester that the Lord needs to prepare for the future? Could I be mentoring someone who could save a nation? Who could change another life?

How about you…..are you worth it? YES….and I am sure that somewhere in your life there was someone who took the time to invest in your life. First of all go and tell them thank you! Then respond to the Lord’s leading and ask the Lord to show you which life you need to invest in!

Message me and let me know when you have an answer from the Lord as to who you need to mentor and let me know how you are going to invest in their life. I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com

Face Book:



How do we Measure Success?

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

We all feel the need to appear as perfect individuals, having it all together.

I would like to be known for being a perfect woman.  A beautiful wife and homemaker, as well as a loving mom and professional businesswomen.

WOW!!!! What have I set myself up for?

As Christians we should be victorious in our lives, but victory in Jesus is accepting what He has given us to do. Running in the Christian race for Him until He takes us home.  Not what we feel our agenda is in life.

I was given a poem when I graduated business school over twenty years ago that stated their version of a successful person.

“Who loves life and lives it to the fullest: who has discovered and shared the strengths and talents that are uniquely their own; who puts their best into each task and leaves each situation better than they found it; who seeks and finds that which is beautiful in all people…and all things; whose heart is full of love and warm with compassion; who has found joy in living and peace within themselves.” (Barbara Burrow)

If I were to give this back to the Lord and consider what His mission for me is and His view of success in my life, I would have to say….

Success in the Lord is…

“Who loves life and lives it for the Lord; who has discovered and shared the strengths and talents that God gave to them, and uses them for His glory; whose heart is full of His love and warm with compassion for His people; who have found joy in living and peace from having Him within their lives.”

Success is found in Him alone, and joy fresh each morning.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com

Face Book:



Unique Service

I worked in the Travel and Tourism field for many years, for the airlines and hotels, before working in Ministry.  Both good customer service and unique service was always something that would be a big draw for customers.  Who doesn’t like to be treated special, in a unique way…. to feel like you have been hand-picked to have this service done just for you?  If you walked into a hotel and they greeted you and knew your name as you walked in and then led you to the desk, carried your bags, checked you in, offered you some special accommodations, and maybe even a unique special gift for just coming…how would that make you feel?  At first, I think I would assume they have the wrong person and start looking around for the right person….after which when they tell me it was really for me….I would feel that I was unique and special even for that moment in time.

I remember when we walked into our church a few years ago and we were greeted in a manner that made us feel like they had been waiting for us to arrive.  They had never met us….and we had never been to this church.  Week after week, we were greeted with a heartfelt hug, welcome, smile and a feeling of we belong.  How special that after two years of being there….there is never a time when we arrive that we are not treated with this same feeling.

Is this unique?  YES, it is….where can you go and get this greeting these days?

I am reminded of a verse when I enter this church found in Matthew 20:28

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

If the Lord came to serve, who are we to do any less? If you are not sure who to serve, when to serve or where to serve……then ask for WISDOM (see James 1:5).  His words are perfect and truth.  He will direct your path and steps and lead you into serving at the perfect moment.

I have been reminded a few times in the past few months about how to serve in a humble way….I am proud to say that I work with many wonderful people herein ministry that walk with the Lord daily and serve with a humble spirit. Let me share a few examples with you…

We had a rather larger person who could not tie his shoe….I watched him pace the floor and then finally asked one of our staff men to help him tie his shoe.  Our staff member knelt down and tied his shoe and as he did he started talking about a sports game….in a way that turned that embarrassing moment for a guest into a “by-the-way type conversation” and removed the awkwardness.

I also watched as a staff member, on his way to a coffee shop… spotted a homeless man and purchased a coffee and sandwich for him.  When the staff member gave it to the man….he asked for his name and then told him how Jesus loved him.  He didn’t just hand it to him but made him feel special by asking for his name.

I also watched a guest check-in with her luggage which happened to be a cardboard box.  She was on a limited income and had a family to take care of ….so her personal needs were put on the back burner.  Another staff member saw this and got together with me to put together a set of luggage for her.  We gave this to her anonymously so that she would not feel awkward.

Again….He did not come to be served but to serve.  The Lord served in a loving and humble way.  As I write this devotion…my eyes are filled with tears remembering these stories and my heart is challenged by these servants to get out there and serve someone today…how about you?

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother


  • At Home with Lynn Wilson

Contact me At:

  • resumeofamother@gmail.com

Face Book:



One of your Smiles…

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.

Proverbs 15:30 

I just love this verse…I think is says it all.  How many of us give a cheerful look?  How many of us bring joy to the heart?

One day I was texting my son on his cell phone, little did I know that he happened to be coming down the hall.  He walked in and asked… “Did you need something?” He had a smile on his face.  I explained to him…, “you just gave it to me.” With a puzzled look on his face, I answered him and said, “I needed one of your smiles.”

My youngest son knows when he is being a handful and sometimes, to break the tension between the two of us, instead of getting upset, I look at him and say …Gavin, give me one of your smiles.  Well, he knows how to make my heart melt and yes, bring joy to my heart.

When you walk in a room, do you bring a cheerful look?  I have walked into church meetings, ladies groups and other situations where a simple smile was not on the agenda of those people.  It just seemed to create a different atmosphere, one where you felt like you didn’t want to be there. It is amazing when you walk into a place and you receive a friendly smile….everything can change.

Do we realize how our smiles and countenance show so much of who we are in Christ?  We are all that some people ever read of the Bible.  When they look at us, can they see past us and see Christ?

There are so many ways that we can give one of our smiles to a friend today.  Pass a note to them, send an email, send a text, give them a call, give a little gift, or better yet, greet them with a smile on your face.

Bring a cheerful look to someone today and bring the joy of the Lord to their heart.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Are you a Cloud?

Today while I was working, the skies grew dark and gray and the rain came pouring down.  Of course, that is all everyone could chat about as the guests ran in and out of the rain drops.

A guest came today to pay his invoice for his event.  While he was standing with me a woman kept going on and on about the rain and how it was going to ruin the day.  As I tried to encourage her to enjoy the day and the facilities that we offered indoors…it did not seem to help her….she seemed intent on complaining about how her day was ruined due to the rain.

As she walked away, the man replied to me….”Oh, what a cloud she is.”  He said to me that one of his students one day told him the sun is always shining but the clouds can get in the way.

How many times my father has told me that some people bring sunshine when they come, and some when they go.  How has your life been going lately?  I know for myself these are trying days.  The bills keep coming, the economy keeps changing, and the winter is coming, and so on.

Do I bring joy and sunshine when I enter a room or when I leave?  Or better yet, do I bring SON shine when I enter a room?  You know our smiles might not always be big and beautiful, sometimes small and simple, but it can still be there.  We can still show Christ or SON shine even when rain and clouds come in our life.  We just need to make sure that the clouds don’t cover our SON shine.

Is the Son shining in your life or have you let the clouds of fear, worry, frustration, doubt, and complaining come in the way?  I know my son tells me sometimes that I am his rock and when I am down in spirit, it affects him.  You know, we do affect each other with our attitude.  If you are having a bad day and keep reacting to it…either people will start to feel the same way as you or if they are smart they will walk away and stay away from you.

We need to bring “SON” shine into lives and remember what we do does matter to others.  Have a SON filled day and share a smile with someone.  Even if it is just a small and simple one.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother

Are you watching…..

I am learning more and more that people are watching everything I do. Why should I be surprised? I do the same thing to them. My husband and I love to sit in the mall with a cup of coffee and enjoy the sights — I mean the people.

Years ago, I was at a garage sale miles from my home town and church. I was calling to my husband to come and look at some goodies, when all of a sudden, a voice came from the other side of the table, and said, “I know you”. Of course, that day I was dressed in my cleaning clothes, and my hair and make-up were not the best. When I looked up, I really had no idea who she really was, so I needed to ask. Her response to me was, “I never would have recognized you, but your voice is what I remember.” Interesting, I thought. She had come several times to a “Ladies Night Out” at my church and heard me speak. She remembered my voice.

Oh, if I had been talking fresh to my husband or yelling at my kids in a way that would not have been a good testimony, would my voice have touched her ears again? She is not a believer, so I invited her to come out again to our ministry. May my voice always bring pleasant sounds to someone’s ears.

Another time I was in the dining room where I work, and as usual, after lunch, my coffee cup was crying out to be filled. Without thinking, I filled my husband’s cup first and then mine. I then sat down, took creamers from the bowl, then the sugar, and passed them to him first and then to myself. He is my first love, next to the Lord, and I just look out for him and try to love him in even the silly ways like this. One of our staff members came to me later and said that she loves watching us in the dining room and elsewhere. She loves the silly “love things” we do for each other.

Our life should be filled with joy, love, friendship, and most of all, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 2:3 (New International Version)

“…He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” Psalm 32:8 (New International Version)

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go…”

These are two very simple examples of how someone was watching me and
remembered me. My voice was remembered for the words I spoke and my actions
remembered for the love I shared.

What is someone seeing or hearing in you today?

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother