img_05672 Corinthians 5:8b (NLT)

…for then we will be at home with the Lord.

There is no place like home….how many times have we heard this phrase or even shared this thought with someone. As children we watched a show where it was stated over and over again …”there’s no place like home, file_000-5there’s no place like home.” The older I get the more tender those words have become for me.

It was a rainy dark, cold nightfile_000…and we needed to head out right after a long day of work… many errands were scheduled for that night. The rain and the darkness
added to the mood of the night. I leaned over to my husband and said, “Tonight is a night that I really feel like just going home.” It was one of those intense nights when you just needed to be “home.”

What is “home” to you? It is a feeling, a place or a building or maybe something that is so indescribable but so wonderful to you? Home should be what makes you feel good, safe, secure and warm…as they say a place to hang your hat. Home is what most of us long for.

Home for me is my safe haven, a warm cozy place, a place where I feel like I belong, and a place like no other. It is a place where I can feel welcomed every time I walk in the front door. I can be greeted by a family who loves and accepts me for who I am. It is a place that feels familiar, and the sights, sounds and even smells are something that I enjoy and long to be around.

How many times have we been at the bedside of a sick friend or relative or at their funeral and heard it said that they are in a better place….that they are “home”file_000-2 now. Or even a person who is not well has referred to the fact that they just want to go “home”. Where is this “home” that they are referring to? That feeling or longing to go home to a safe, secure place, a place with a sense of freedom, a place so indescribable, but you know that you want to be there.

Take a minute and imagine with me a new home…will you be there with me? I am in the process of having a mansion built for me. I know it will be just the right size, shape and color. The builder knows my every need and He will have prepared a place for me that is so perfect that I could not want anything else. The minute I walk through the gate I will know that I am “Home”. I will be surrounded by my brothers and sisters. I will love the sights, sounds and smells to the point that I will want to stay there for eternity. Someday I will walk streets made of gold and cheavenly_sky_by_d168all it my home. Are you ready to go to this home if the Lord were to call you? Have you done your housework so to speak? Have you made things right with Him so that when it is time to go “Home”, you will be ready? As the verse above states…….for then we will be at home with the Lord.

Lynn A. C. Wilson – Resume of a Mother & Fresh Brewed Devo’s Series



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